Sunday 31 May 2009

My hobby

Would you know my principal hobby?It's to collect miniatures of the Lord of the Rings, yes miniatures. It's a little model of the warriors who we see in the film: "The Lord of the Rings". You can buy some boxes in the shop "Games Workshop", in the boxes are miniatures of the warriors. You can choose: Dwarves, Elves, Men of Gondor, Men of Rohan, Orks, Uruk-hais, Trolls, Ents and... Hobbits. You can too buy some heroes of the film and the book: Aragorn, Legolas,Gimli, Gandalf, Sauron... If you don't watch the film and don't read the book, it's not serious, it is just a game, you don't need to know the story. Because, you can create the story! To play, you need an little army, a cart table, some dice, and an opponent. But the battle is better, when you have painted your miniatures. The swindlers of Games Workshop sell too the colours to can paint the figurines and the paintbrushes. When you have it, you need a lot of time to paint the miniatures. (I need 9 hours to paint 6 miniatures!!!) But when I finish, I am satisfied.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I think you have a great hobby because it´s interesting for you. But me, I´m not playing with the miniatures (it lasts a few years :-) ) so I can´t understand you but if you are seriously interested in the collections of the miniatures of Lord of the Rings, I believe that you really enjoy the game!
